понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

big jaws mouf mouth tongue tounge

And these are the siblings that live on the first floor of our apartment and that we illegally feed each night. I hope they are males. I hope. They are big as fuck (part bengali?) we fed her mother for a while until she got pregnant again and left them to take care of the next baked goodies. A few days ago we saw her with another two tiny cats (one black, one tiger-striped) and something tells me that she might bring them to us when she decides itapos;s time to leave. The grey and white looks just like the mother. The tiger-striped is the smallest of the two and the dependant one. I like to observe nature. It makes me sad that i canapos;t touch them and pet them because sometimes they get as close as they can (we live in the second floor) and you know they want to come inside to the warmth of the home. We just canapos;t take them. Luna wonapos;t accept more cats and we canapos;t just force her. We would make her unhappy and then she would die. She was the first one and sheapos;ll be the only one. Meanwhile, we break the law

album picture thx.to, big jaws mouf mouth tongue tounge, big jay lyric pimpin z, big jay mcneely.

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