понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

atomic b11

Yeah, okay, another few weeks have gone by.

And the show isnapos;t really any better.

What that show needs? A good, old-fashioned slaughter. If two-thirds of the apos;specialsapos; on that show died next episode (along with a like portion of non-specials), the series would be much, much better.

The reason for that that is that there are (spoilers here) too many threads.

Nathan and not-Jessica and not-Lindemann.
Suresh the roach-thing and Maya.
Hiro and Ando.
H.R.G. And Sylar.
Claire and her two moms.
Parkman and Issac-as-bushman.
Mr. Petrelli and his evil goons.

Plus some associated threads here and there, plus some crossover, too. Still, youapos;re talking a weekly, hour-long (well, 42-ish-minute-long) drama with more than a half-dozen plots. Seriously.
Even if we had a full 60 minutes a week, thatapos;s less than 10 minutes per plot thread - and we donapos;t have sixty minutes a week. Around five minutes a thread is what we really get, on average. Of course thatapos;s on average: some threads get lip service and some get fan service, but overall, itapos;s way too scattered and fucked up, in my opinion.

Question: is this just me? Am I the only one desperately hoping this is going to get back to the awesomeness that we had in the first season?

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And these are the siblings that live on the first floor of our apartment and that we illegally feed each night. I hope they are males. I hope. They are big as fuck (part bengali?) we fed her mother for a while until she got pregnant again and left them to take care of the next baked goodies. A few days ago we saw her with another two tiny cats (one black, one tiger-striped) and something tells me that she might bring them to us when she decides itapos;s time to leave. The grey and white looks just like the mother. The tiger-striped is the smallest of the two and the dependant one. I like to observe nature. It makes me sad that i canapos;t touch them and pet them because sometimes they get as close as they can (we live in the second floor) and you know they want to come inside to the warmth of the home. We just canapos;t take them. Luna wonapos;t accept more cats and we canapos;t just force her. We would make her unhappy and then she would die. She was the first one and sheapos;ll be the only one. Meanwhile, we break the law

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Hey salt dogs,

So today Mamma Still, Lex, and I headed up to Salem Mass for the day since we wanted to look around there since itapos;s so close to Halloween. It was a fun today in which we walked around looking in all the little shops and had lunch. It was nice getting a few things and spending time with Mamma Still. Had a few laughs and spend the rest of the day relaxing and fucking around the house.

This week I had a few things to do and thatapos;s it. Post pics later

Off to go watch The Burning

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coventry computer fair

Well this has been.. Quite a week.

Last weekend I hung out with miss emilyflavorr, eric, and miguel. It was pretty cool, even the getting lost in pittsburgh part. :P�We basically hung out the first day, watched random movies (I�SAW�ORGAZMO�FOR�THE�FIRST�TIME�WOOT�IT was sweet) went to the haunted hoochie (which was worth the long wait, I guess.. It wasnapos;t too bad.)�

What else.. Oh yeah we played MONOPOLY�the mcdonalds version :P�We were so pumped about it and we were talking all about getting the pieces all the way there XD�It was hilarious. Ahh it was worth it though. We got some pieces (Eric and Miguel if you guys do end up getting a monopoly yOU�MUST�SHARE�IT�WITH�ME�AND�EMILYFLAVOR�:P) We then after that went to watch Blindness. Oh my god, that movie was fuckingg terrible. Iapos;m so sorry I�brought it up.. I�thought it would be good. D:�I heard lots of reviews about it and the book sounded decent. Oh well. I paid for it with 6.70 in my bank and then a dime.� I didnapos;t want to overdraw my bank account XD�But that was bEFORE�I got paid. Hehe. So itapos;s not that low anymore.

Speaking of work, also this week I pulled in lots of overtime. Even more next weekk I apos;ve got 7 hours of overtime tomorrow, and more scheduled next week also.

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The first reason he will fail is because he lacks the experience and judgment to deal with the problems. It will take him at least two years to find out how Washington works, and his lazy nature will be sorely tested along the way.

The second reason he will fail is because he will be torn between the left wing agenda that he used in the campaign and the centist realities of the finacial situation. As Pat Buchanan has noted whichever way he goes there will be a backlash.

The third reason he will fail is becasuse he will betray the shaman, i.e. Magic healer archtype and the feminine persoanlity which attracted to him in the primary when he moves to goverance.
His supporters will then become disillusioned with him and withdraw from the political process.

By contrast, Hillarys archtypal role is that of the wise woman or high priestess according to Jean Houston. She is an agent of the rising feminine which has been moving to full partnership with men for 500 years. The loathing directed at Hillary was a reaction to the rising feminen.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Yeah, I been out of it for a bit, and lax about posting any kinds of updates.
So, hereapos;s a random rundown of sorts.

Recently, my son has picked up an adorable quirk, he uses the phrase "OK" now, kind of as a marker.� Iapos;m guessing he picked it up from one of us, possibly me, but I donapos;t recall using it in quite the manner he does.� Hereapos;s an example.

OK. Abcapos;s.
A b c d e f g pause.
OK.� Abcapos;s.
A b c d e pause.
OK.� Abcapos;s.
A b c d e f g h i j k lmnop t v w x y z.... Etc

Heapos;ll go on like this for a good ten minutes.� Amusing.� Except when� weapos;re trying to put him to go to sleep.� Then...not so fun.� But heapos;s just a kid learning and having fun doing it.�� Itapos;s hard not to appreciate the vigor with which he absorbs everything.� I like to mix things up with him, push him to see what heapos;s learned or what he might be capable of.� I donapos;t know from what I should expect him to be capable of at his age, I donapos;t know have an inherent sense of what is "age appropriate" or not.� I just throw everything I can at him, and see what sticks.� If it sticks, I push a little further.� For example, the other night during the wind down at bedtime, we were saying "clap hands, clap hands" and clapping our hands.�� So then I said: "Now, in French"� And he came back saying: "Tape, tape, tape des mains"� I was surprised not that he knew the French-weapos;ve been singing that little tune for quite some time--but that he understood that I wanted him to switch languages.��Up to that point, I�donapos;t believe weapos;ve been making any delineation between English and French as weapos;ve been teaching him.� So when I sprung that on him, his�apparent comprehension of the request was a bit astonishing.� Now, it could be a spurious correlation.� He might have just remembered the�French song, and sang it, because we were clapping hands.� Yet it didnapos;t feel like that at the moment.��Yeah, Iapos;m probably projecting more into it than the reality.� Isnapos;t normal parental behavior?� Oh, and apparently, he can now do somersaults.� Heapos;s been working on those for quite some time, ever since he saw another friendapos;s son doing them in the nursery at church.� (Said child is about a year older.)� I predict a lot of somersaults in the near future.

While I was home sick end of last week, I perused one of those morning TV shows (I canapos;t remember which)�recorded on the TiVO because it was flagged due to�Nigella Lawson appearing.� Yes, weapos;re unabashed Nigella fans.� Sheapos;s unquestionably my favorite TV cook.� Not just because sheapos;s tall, dark, and sultry, with a British accent.� Okay, that sure doesnapos;t hurt.� Thereapos;s something about the style of her cooking and show that just clicks.��A natural celebration of food when she talks and cooks, that�entices�in a way that most other TV cooks�donapos;t.� Itapos;s sensual�to a degree that�I almost feel a part of the experience, as if the audience is actually in her home.� Not merely watching her in�the kitchen, but as if we were guests at the house.� Perhaps itapos;s quirky bits from the original show,��like the not altogether uncommon instances during the credits/closing scenes of her "sneaking" into the kitchen for a midnight snack.� Grabbing a bite of one of the dishes sheapos;d shown on that show.��She was promoting her latest cookbook, and in true Nigella fashion shortly after a bit about diabetes, there she was, unabashedly presenting a dish that was basically a caramel dip to go with a fresh fruit platter.� A caramel made up of three different types of sugars� I think thatapos;s the other thing I love about her, when she does something, she shows it how sheapos;d really cook it.� Sure, sheapos;ll note as she goes how you might modify a dish to make it more calorie conscious, etc, but I get the impression that what she shows on screen, is what youapos;d be served if you ever happened to be invited to a party at her house.� Not to give the impression that everything she makes is bad for you, hardly.� Sheapos;ll just as enthusiastically show a dish that celebrates vegetables, or a dish that is light, airy, and healthy.� I think thatapos;s the key.� Sheapos;s not afraid of the food.� Itapos;s not the enemy that must be conquered, to be kept in check, or controlled.� Itapos;s something to enjoy in all its variations.�� Perhaps thatapos;s just�a more European approach.

The other thing caught in that same broadcast was a short interview with Lynda Carter.� Yes, you might recall her as Wonder Woman.� Wow.� Lynda Carter is still drop dead gorgeous.� Honestly, if she put on a Wonder Woman outfit today, Iapos;d believe it.� And sure, thereapos;s probably a good stint of childhood nostalgia built in that opinion, because you know, child in the 70apos;s, so maybe itapos;s hard for me not to think of the her when I think of the character.� But even trying to be objective about it, I think she looks amazing.� I think itapos;s the eyes.� Her eyes still have that same sparkle that comes�across even through the TV screen, particularly when she smiles.� You know, now that I think about it, she might well be the cause of my general predilection towards brunettes.� Now that I think about it, Nigella is also a brunette.� My wife is a brunette.�� Just about everyone I ever dated was also a brunette.� I think...yeah.� Iapos;m just going to go with brunettes for the win.�

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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Hefti was a jazz musician, composer, and arranger, and heapos;s best known for having composed the themes for _The Odd Couple_ and the _Batman_ TV series.

He was also one of Count Basieapos;s arrangers, composed his hit "Liapos;l Darlinapos;," and my dad had Heftiapos;s _Jazz Pops_ and Basieapos;s _Atomic Basie_ in his collection, and I used to listen to them a lot. I wish I still had them.
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Well I am getting 2 teeth drilled and filled. I�scheduled an appointment this morning. Iapos;m going to have my teeth filled on Nov. 12th. She wanted me to come in on Tuesday, but thatapos;s a little soon for my liking.

I took another exam, so now Iapos;m down to 58 exams to go�Didnapos;t do as well as I was hoping, but I�passed.

My brotherapos;s birthday is coming up pretty soon, so I mailed his birthday gift out today as well.

Open House is the 8th and 9th. That will suck. Hallmark unfortunately makes a big deal out of it. Hard to believe how close Christmas is.

Not much more to say.

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вторник, 14 октября 2008 г.

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So...got back home from AUSA last night. It wasnapos;t a very good Con for Kaysha sales-wise, but it was fantastic for other reasons. (We stayed at a friendapos;s house instead of a hotel, her mommy was constantly feeding us, and two out of three days we had big brawny men to carry our stuff to and from the car for us...in short, we were spoiled rotten.)

But my favorite part was going to Patrick Seitzapos;s panel and getting his autograph. He was SO funny, and rather good looking really nice. Mostly I know him for doing Luke Valentineapos;s voice in the English dub of Hellsing, so I got him to sign my Hellsing artbook. *would make squealy fangirl noises, but just woke up and itapos;s too early to put forth the effort*

And now I have a dilemma.

I donapos;t know what to wear for Halloween this year.

No real surprise, actually. I never know what to do any year. But Halloween is on a Friday this year and Fridays are when people get together for gaming at SG, and thereapos;s usually a little contest/party when that happens. Plus, Alex has announced that heapos;s completely burned out, so the SG store is going to be sold or closed, heapos;s not sure yet.

This makes me very sad. =( So I want it to be a really good goodbye party on Halloween.

The options Iapos;ve come up with are...

Phantom of the Opera - because I havenapos;t done that one since DragonCon 2004
Cat - because I do this all the time but I have several options of cats to pick from, so people at gaming have yet to see the same one twice
Vampire Chick - this would involve me wearing a skimpy corset-thingy and fishnet stockings and other various and asundry girly-type clothes...which would be the real scary part
Vampire Hunter - because I have all the stuff but havenapos;t had the excuse to wear it yet

And of course other options are always popping into mind...mrph.

(Donapos;t tell anyone, but this song is secretly my Alucard-Integra song. Little Integra, that is.)

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